
Comini Cooks

and what we do in a month

At Comini we use an emergent, child-led curriculum. What this translates to is that the big(ish)kids decide what they want to learn more about and we plan our days around that. In March they decided they wanted to learn about "Kitchen Science" - read about that in our monthly newsletter for April here. One of the side projects of the month was putting out a Comini Cookbook featuring recipes of foods our kids love to eat at home. Download it here!

alternative education : parent primer


If you're considering an alternative school for your child, you're part of an enlightened minority :) 

As parents who began our journey just like you, we thought it would be helpful to explain the why, what, and how of alternative schools, and Comini in particular. Here are some of the questions this will help answer:

Read more here

Learning To Read: A Gentle Primer

How can I get my child to learn to read? is a question we often hear. Unlike most other things kids learn almost effortlessly, reading takes some getting used to and the right guidance helps a lot. Learning to read in English is particuarly tricky (more on that below). We have put together this Gentle Reading Primer for parents who can use this at home as a supplement to what is done at school. Homeschoolers can use this too. This is not meant to be followed blindly! You are the best judge of how your children are learning and responding, so please feel free to tweak this. But please do remember that attempting to drill this into your child against their wishes can only backfire. Kids learn when they are ready to learn. 

All original work listed here is licensed by Comini under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. This means you're free to copy and share these (but not to sell them).